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Expert commentary on the latest issues and trends in online trust, digital certificates, web security, IoT, and identity solutions by established leaders in digital security.

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    What is lattice-based cryptography?

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Sep 23, 2024

    Lattice-based cryptography resists quantum attacks, offering secure encryption for a post-quantum world.

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    Quantum computing concerns & positive impacts

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Sep 19, 2024

    Quantum computing threatens encryption but offers security innovations like Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). Organizations must prepare now.

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    The risks & impacts of SSL certificate outages

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Sep 17, 2024

    Expired SSL certificates risk security, downtime, lost trust, and financial loss; strong renewal processes are essential.

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    Sectigo’s CLM maturity model for digital certificate management

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Sep 13, 2024

    Automated CLM simplifies SSL/TLS management. Sectigo's CLM maturity model helps businesses automate and secure digital certificates effectively.

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    The current state of quantum cryptography & why readiness is key

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Sep 09, 2024

    The quantum era threatens traditional cryptography. Quantum-resistant algorithms are emerging, and organizations must prepare for the coming changes.

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    Exploring the cost savings & business benefits of Sectigo Certificate Manager

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Sep 06, 2024

    Automating digital certificate management with Sectigo's CLM delivers a 243% ROI, according to a Forrester study, making it a financially smart choice.

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    The impact of 90-day SSL certificates on enterprise security

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Sep 05, 2024

    SSL/TLS certificates secure data, but proper management, especially with new 90-day validity periods, is key to reducing cybersecurity risks.

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    How SSL Certificates Can Help Prevent Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Sep 02, 2024

    Sophisticated attackers will stop at nothing to steal sensitive data, personal information, and business secrets. Unfortunately, as technology evolves, so do the methods used by hacking groups and individuals looking to prey on vulnerable online entities.

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    Multi-Domain vs Wildcard SSL - Differences and Use Cases

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Aug 20, 2024

    Digital certificates take many forms but they share the same primary goal: to authenticate a website or server's identity.

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    How to migrate away from Entrust to a new Certificate Authority

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Aug 09, 2024

    Google and Mozilla distrust Entrust certificates. Customers must switch to a reliable CA like Sectigo to maintain security and avoid potential risks.

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    What is quantum computing and its business implications

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Aug 08, 2024

    Quantum computing excites and concerns leaders, threatening encryption but offering huge opportunities. Balance risks for a competitive edge.

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    S/MIME encryption: What it is and how does it work?

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Aug 07, 2024

    Malicious emails pose a major threat due to their simplicity and ubiquity. S/MIME enhances email security, improving both integrity and confidentiality.